Thursday, July 2, 2015

Some facts about Ramzaan that you didn’t know

The holy month of Ramzaan is crucial for every Muslim throughout the world. With full dedication to the lord, they perform fasts, known as Rozas for over a period of around 30 days and dedicate themselves to the almighty. The month is a key event in the Muslim calendar as it is believed that during this month, the Holy Quran was descended into planet earth.
Facts about Ramzaan
Here are some 10 interesting facts about this holy month of the Muslims, that you wouldn’t have known—

- Excusal from fasting
Not many know, but the festival doesn’t demand expecting mothers, breastfeeding mothers or those women who are menstruating or people who are traveling to perform fasts. Additionally, children who are yet to attain puberty are excused from fasting as well.
- Time for breaking the past
The timing for breaking the fasts vary from Shia Muslims to Sunni Muslims. While the former doesn’t break fasts until it’s completely dark, the latter breaks it during the sunsets.
- Determination of Ramzaan
The holy month is actually calculated on the basis of the lunar calendar, and hence, every year the date of Ramzaan month pre pones by around 12 days.
- Iftaar Food
It is believed that the Prophet would use fresh or dry dates to break his fast and hence, even today the Muslims prefer breaking their fasts with dates that have the nutrients to keep a body completely fit even after rigorous fasting.
- Celebration month
Ramzaan month is not just for devotion but also celebration as people often visit each other after Iftaar and celebrate the joy of the month. During this month, they avoid getting into physical pleasures, smoking or drinking.
-Roza, much before Islam
The concept of keeping rozas, came much before the birth of Islam and is mentioned in Hebrew Bible as well.
-Weight gain post Ramzan
It is unusual but has been observed that people keeping rozas tend to gain weight after the Ramzaan month. This can be attributed to consumption of fatty, oily foods during Iftaars and also lack of physical activity during the holy month.
- Making donations
During this month, many Muslims generously donate foods and money to poor people. Even the mosque offers alms to the poor so that they can break their fasts.
- Arab TV channels make double profits during Ramzaan
Making TV programs that are telecasted late night, during the month of Ramzan they earn a lot of profit.
- A common name for males and females
Earlier, the name Ramzaan was kind of only limited to females, but over the years even males are named Ramzaan.

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