Wednesday, August 19, 2015

International Beer Day - Some interesting facts

Alcoholic beverages have been cherished by the mankind ever since it came into existence. Many authors, philosophers and famous personalities have termed beer as one of the finest inventions in the planet. While some regarded it as a “continuous lover,” others just voted for a celebration to be made in honor of this brewing beverage.

So on occasion of International beer day (which was on Aug 7th), which is quite an event worldwide to celebrate and rejoice the existence of this beverage, here are some interesting facts about it—
  1. Sumerians, belonging to the ancient civilization of Sumer, actually had a goddess of beer who was known as Ninkasi.
  2. The evidence for the existence of brewing goes back to ages, proving that it came to fore around 5000 years ago.
  3. As on today, the United States of America and China are the top producers of beer.
  4. According to Guinness, approximately 93,000 liters of beer actually gets lost in Englishmen’s beards each year.
  5. Zymurgy is the scientific term for the study of brewing fermentation.
  6. Snake Venom is the name of the strongest beer in the world, constituting of around 67.5% of alcohol volume.
  7. Around 44% of the Americans consider beer to be their choice of alcoholic beverages over other drinks.
  8. Cenosillicaphobia is the term used for those with a psychological disorder of having fear of an empty beer glass.
  9. The first beer was packaged in the year 1959 in a 12 ounce aluminum can.
  10. Former president of America, Jimmy Carter had legalized home breweries.
  11. The oldest brewery in America that is still functional is located in Pottsville, Pennsylvania and is known as the Yuengling brewery.
  12. Light has an impact on beer and can actually make it go toxic.
  13. One of the popular events in America—the Texas State Fair is actually quite famous for serving fried beer.

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