Saturday, June 13, 2015

Amazing Species of Animals You Have Never Even Heard of

Nature has its own art of creations. Be it humans, birds or animals, there’s beauty in ever species. But it also has its own set of secrets, and the best illustrations of these secrets are some of its creations which are so rare that you hardly ever know of their existence.

 (Image Source:

Let’s see amazing some species of animals, which you certainly didn’t know existed

1. Aye-aye

aye aye

( Image Source: National Geographic)

Initially thought to be an animal belonging to the species of squirrels, this little animal with a strange appearance is a lemur that happens to be the biggest and the most unique nocturnal primate in the planet.

2. Dumbo Octopus

Dumbo Octopus


Scientifically known as Grimpoteuthis, this species of octopus is found deep in the sea, and from its appearance, looks like an animated character straight from a Disney animated movie. They are unique for being the ones to live in the deepest of the sea out of all other kinds of octopuses.

3. Dugong


(Image Source: Sydney Aquarium)

A marine mammal, Dugong is medium in size and is currently a very rare and declining species. Grey in color, they are known to spend their entire life span deep in the sea and are sometimes also referred to as “sea cows” since they eat sea grasses.

4. Maned Wolf

Maned Wolf

(Image Source:

The striking aspect of this species of animal is its face that resembles the species of a fox despite it not being so. And although it is known as “Maned Wolf” it doesn’t have similarities with the species of wolves either. In South America, the maned wolf is the largest canid.

5. The Gerenuk


(Image Source:

Known for its extremely long neck, the Gerenuk belongs to the species of antelope and is found mainly in the dry, woody African regions, the deserts and great lakes to be precise. Its specialty is its ability to complete an entire lifespan without drinking any drop of water. It is also commonly known as the “Waller’s gazelle.”

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