Thursday, June 25, 2015

Weird and Interesting facts about Fat

Today we provide you some weird and interesting facts about Fat.

weird and interesting facts about Fat.

1. A normal adult has around 50 billion fat cells in his body. This brings us to the fact that technically, there are more number of fat cells in a human body, than the number of human beings in the planet.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How to make yourself more interesting

How to make yourself more interesting by improving your personality

While looks are the primary thing by which a person notices you, it is attitude and personality that defines you. Many times it so happens that a person has the fairest of the fairest complexion, a tall cut and clothes breathing brands from head to toe. But if s/he has zilch of a good personality, their existence becomes dull.

How to make yourself more interesting


So here’s a list of tips which can help you be more interesting and fun to be with, and let your personality define you—

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Amazing Species of Animals You Have Never Even Heard of

Nature has its own art of creations. Be it humans, birds or animals, there’s beauty in ever species. But it also has its own set of secrets, and the best illustrations of these secrets are some of its creations which are so rare that you hardly ever know of their existence.

 (Image Source:

Let’s see amazing some species of animals, which you certainly didn’t know existed

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Interesting facts you didn’t know about the gaming world

gaming facts

The gaming world is like an alternate universe, where imagination becomes reality, uncanny beings become your friends and normal becomes abnormal. While gamers have their own parallel world, there are certain fascinating aspects of the gaming world, which you wouldn’t have come across in your day to day life.